Myself and Acacia Ridge Gibralta (Rocky) riding at a Ruth Schneeberger clinic barefoot
Naomi Moreland and her lovely mare, Lilly riding at a Western Performance Show barefoot.
Photo credit: Jim Hillman - Inmotion Photography
Deanna Moreland and her welsh mare, Molly competing in the Pony Club mounted games barefoot
Dressage rider Shannon Peters (wife of USA Olympic dressage rider Steffen Peters) has decided to keep a lot of the "SPeters Dressage" horses barefoot after having great success with one of Shannon's Grand Prix horses who was having hoof issues and ongoing soundness problems. www.spetersdressage.com
The hoofcare team that work with the Peters' horses are Sossity & Mario Gargiulo at Wild Hearts Hoofcare www.wildheartshoofcare.com